American Hofmann Corp.

Manufacturers - Balancing Machines
Normal operations: 7am-5pm week days
Emergencies 24/7: +1.434.544.1449
About Us
Whether it is combustion engine crankshaft , rotating aircraft engine parts or the safe operation of fans in dusty environments: Perfectly balanced parts are crucial for safe smooth operation. Less vibration also means higher machine availability!
Hofmann offers the skills and capabilities that you need to achieve your goals:
+ Know-how to measure and evaluate even the smallest vibrations in the market place.
+ Decades of experience in the automation of balancing and correction processes.
+ The broadest product range which is the basis for developing customized individual solutions.
+ Local special Machining capabilities
Hofmann focuses on continuous improvement of products and services; dedicated to improve your business . We not only improve products and services, but also intelligently combine. Our hotbed for new ideas provide new and even better products. At the same time, we cooperate with customers and young scientists at technical universities.
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