Disability Services
From the Executive Director,
Having a good life means different things to different people. It includes joy and happiness, health, and safety, hopes and dreams, meaningful activities, relationships with family and friends, having a home, transportation, work, money, and the ability to contribute to family and the community. We seek to engage, encourage, and be active participants in the development of the individuals we serve.
Harmony Day Support exist to provide meaningful days, supportive relationships, and pathways to opportunities for individuals with special needs. Individuals who attend Harmony Day Support are afforded options, supports, and chances to experience their highest potential in a loving, caring, and respectful environment. Our goal is to provide programming that supports the “Whole Person” in a variety of settings that include independent living, social development, vocational supports, community engagement, and individualized therapeutic opportunities.
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300 Lucado Place, Lynchburg, VA 24504 – (434) 845-5966 – info@lynchburgregion.org